Tonight: The Real Charlie Chaplin

I actually do get Showtime and I actually did watch this. I also asked, “What more can be said about Chaplin?” And I found out a lot.
I suspected that there was more family involvement because as the original poster said, there were images and recordings that you will certainly never find in a casual search of Chaplin’s life.

I enjoyed it. So much that I asked, “What’s up with Showtime programming TCM/PBS level documentaries and docuseries?”


Well, I don’t get Showtime, and I don’t know anyone who does, but periodically they show something that makes me wish I did. Tonight they premiere a program called The Real Charlie Chaplin. I was skeptical at first, thinking, “What more can be said?” But it turns out that this one is likely to be significant, as it contains lots of previously unreleased documentary material. Until now Chaplin and his heirs kept a tight lid on audio-visual material having to do with Chaplin’s private life. Clips of Chaplin NOT performing are as rare as hen’s teeth. But this doc promises lots of home movies, interviews, news footage, and so forth (and the Chaplin family seems involved) so its way, to many of us, this one is as exciting as Get Back in terms of juicy unreleased stuff that will illuminate an unseen side of its famous subject. I know…

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Lady Mary Wortley Montagu – a ‘bad mother’

All Things Georgian

I am delighted to welcome fellow author, the lovely Jo Willet, to tell us about her book ‘The Pioneering Life of Mary Wortley Montagu: Scientist and Feminist‘ which has just been published by Pen and Sword Books.

Jo has been an award-winning TV drama and comedy producer all her working life. Her credits range from the recent ‘Manhunt‘, starring Martin Clunes, to ‘Birds of a Feather’ and has now ventured in writing. This is her first book and she’s now busy working on her second – also a historical biography. Jo is married with a daughter, a son and a step-son. She lives in London and Dorset. You can find out more about Jo by clicking on the link at the end.

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu - wikimedia commons. Artist: Jonathan Richardson Lady Mary Wortley Montagu – Wikimedia commons. Artist: Jonathan Richardson

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and her husband Edward had two children –…

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